Thursday, February 24, 2011


How calmly you told the end of our flame
Walking away, not even glancing back at me
Though you left me, I don’t give you the blame
That is why I feel more irritated, you see?

I could hear nothing, see nothing at all
Like I am in a dark room with no light to shine
A deep, creepy dungeon with black tall walls
Now there is not even a streak of light of mine

No difference in life or death now, you know?
The reason I lived was because you were with me
Since it’s gone, I only feel the sorrow
What should I do to make you comeback, bend my knee?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Never forget the first time we met
Nothing was different from other classmates
But, my senses tingled, yours didn’t yet

You were my partner, everything was set
All meant to be, before it was too late
Never forget the first time we met

I threw a ball, you picked it next to a net
The first sight of you opened the gate
of you, tingled my senses but not yours yet

It was a rainy day, soggy and wet
One umbrella, for you and me, what a soul mate!
Never ever forget the first time we met

I ran towards you, fast, like a jet
To tell you my feelings about you, wait,
I think my senses tingled but not you, yet

Finally the exciting game was set
And you walked away saying just like fate
Just never forget the first time we met
The senses tingle in me still, but not you yet

Thursday, February 17, 2011


On a normal day, I walked down the street
Just wandering for the “fun of the day”
There you were, standing on the hot concrete
So beautiful like the flowers in May!
I couldn’t control my body, my feet

You had the smile that made my heart beat
You made my face turn red, like an apple
There was no such thing that made my world heat
Or so dreamy like the color purple
You organized my life plan nice and neat

I felt and thought of all this as a “we”
Walking towards you step by step, closer
There were ordinary days behind me
However, asked you to be my leader
The leader who will lead me to happy

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Free verse

Sitting side by side
With a feathery warm breeze on the left
And a deep warm breath on the right
Doing nothing with you
On one warm sunny day
Leaning against you listening to music
This is what’s called peace
As the glittering sun sets, the shining stars start to wake up
And here I am with you
Saying hello to the stars and giving them names
Laughing together
Having the comfortable happiness of my life
With you

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Blank verse

From the time, I start thinking about you
You do not move or go out of my mind
I start to think about the beginning
Your are the one, who saved me from darkness
The one who rescued me from misery
From that point, light started to shine on me
I could feel that our love story began
From then, everything looked so beautiful
Like the memories we made together
And the love songs we sang to each other
The beat of my heart never calms down now
We have some memories about bad times
When you told me to get a whole new life
A whole new life without you by my side
But as time told us, we are meant to be
Because of the hard time we had before
It made us believe stronger in our love
Now we trust each other more than before
There is nothing that can separate us
Nothing in the world. Not even the death