Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jumble Story

          March 5, an early spring. The celebration party at the school is in 3 days. My duty at this party is not only to celebrate and have fun, but also to take pictures for the yearbook. Before I talk about the celebration party, I want to tell you about myself. My name is Stella, a senior at Springville High. I started to take pictures around the school campus when I was a freshman. When taking pictures of a person or a situation, I feel tingles of excitement going through my veins. Recently, however, I realized that photography doesn’t help me advance in my academic career; this thought began to take serious weight in my decisions since in September, I’m going off to college. I started to get worried with what I’m going to do with my life. My parents have expectations on me to have a life time job that could pay me a fixed income. After much contemplation, I chose the celebration party to be the last place to take pictures as a photographer.
The celebration party is about us, seniors, to have fun and enjoy the last of high school and to make memories of high school. Announcing the student of the year and giving out awards to the sports teams and others.
           Finally arrived! A brand new black DSLR camera 7000! With this, it will be the greatest pictures ever taken at the celebration party.
           The last day with my camera. I stared at the camera for 5 minutes, then said goodbye. The celebration party starts at 7:00 p.m. so I had to get ready. Even though I’m taking pictures for almost the whole time, I still had my new blue sparkling dress that will make me as beautiful as the girls in my pictures. I rode the limousine to the party, and there I took the first photo, seniors running across the room and jumping into the warm pool. What a jump! Then I took photos of the stage members, the performance etc. Finally the award ceremony began. The student president took the first award, then the committee members, and almost all the seniors. I also received one and gave the camera to my friend to take picture for 3 minutes, while I’m getting my award. Next, pictures with the principal and teachers that helped us for the year and the final picture with everyone at the celebration party.
           After the party, I came home and uploaded the photos and started to pick the ones that are suitable for the yearbook. As I was picking, I couldn’t help smiling, the pictures were so happy and full of joy. Everyone was having fun with their friends and the teachers. My favorite picture was the one with a guy jumping into the pool flipping and everyone shouting in the back. The picture looked so lively; it made my brain remember the exact heat from the party. At that moment, I realized that it is not any fixed payment that makes me happy, but it is photography that enlivens my life. Now I finally understood what I should do and what I want to do. Even though it might have a rough start, it will shine one day. So the next day I told my parents about being a photographer, and it took only an hour and a half to move their mind. And now I’m still taking pictures at the school and majoring in photography, also got into a college with a fine system with art. So now, all I got to do is to keep taking pictures that make my heart pound like an engine of a train.

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